water tagged posts

5 Things You Need Before Going Out On the Water



By Rod Smith

Going out on the water is a great experience for people of all ages, full of fun, sun, and great sights. However, being prepared for all kinds of situations is important. Ensuring that you have these five items is a great start to having a fun, and safe, time on the water.

ONE: Life Jacket or PFD (Personal Flotation Device)

Probably one of the most obvious things that you should have when out on a boat, however, almost 85% of deaths from drowning could have been avoided by wearing a life jacket or PFD

What is the difference between a life jacket and a PFD?

A life jacket is designed to float someone on their back, which works if the person is unconscious to get their face away from the water.

A PFD is designed to be more comfortable to wear as they are less bulky, and keep a...

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Why I go to the river

Guest Post

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By Jill Alban

It’s May in Montana. And my husband and I have entered what we affectionately call “the crazy season.”

I’m not sure if it’s because of the long, cold nights that have us inside playing Scrabble through most of December and January – but once spring hits, we’re a little giddy. Grant wishes on his lucky star and puts in for the special moose or sheep tag that might just be in the cards later this year. I bike down to the farmer’s market to buy the jaunty, bright green starts that will turn into endless bowls of salad in a month’s time. We pull out the calendar, plan our backpacking adventures, and make grand goals to plant an herb garden or build a greenhouse in the long summer evenings after work.

And, of course, I pull out my fly box...

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