Heather and her best friend, Stephanie, hiking in Boise.
It’s always incredibly refreshing to get out of Washington, D.C., and go back West. Rather than my usual Christmas trip, I was able to visit Idaho in August to see family and friends.
This was a shorter trip, so I wasn’t able to get off the grid like I usually hope to (the idea of being out of cell range seems to terrify most DCers but I crave it!) – though I was able to go on a short hike with my best friend. We didn’t leave the city limits and were able to go on a real hike, people. I can’t tell you how invigorating that is.
So as we finish out this day and dive in to the long Labor Day weekend, Whitney and I hope you’re able to enjoy some time outdoors. Go shooting, take your reel out or set off for a hike!
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