Magan Hebert, 15, poses with the young buck, or “spike,” that she shot in Waynesboro, Miss., in November. Magan has been hunting since she was in the fourth grade. ** Photo courtesy of NPR
Recently on an ordinary day running errands and listening to NPR, my husband and I heard a story on the radio that stopped us in our tracks. The story was part of a series called “The Hidden Life of Girls” and hosted by none other than Tina Fey (don’t you love her?!?)
During the episode, we heard stories from girls and women across the world on several different topics and then the interview started with 15-year old Magan Hebert. Magan lives in Mississippi and sounds like a typical high school student – she loves cheerleading, pop music, texting and school. But Magan loves to hunt too! After spending the day in the tree stand with Magan and her mom Marcy, the reporter finally gets to see Magan take down a buck and all could not be more excited.
As a sportswoman yourself, you may be asking why this is so exciting? The fact that Magan’s story was included in a mainstream broadcast is what has got me excited. As part of the Camo is the New Black community, like Magan, we are all ambassadors for the sport we love! Thanks to you this community is growing and we’re gaining momentum! So on this Friday, we wanted to say thank you and hope you keep spreading the word that Camo truly is the New Black!
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