Finding the right gun for yourself is much like picking out your favorite pair of undies!! there are so many to choose from! There’s are many price, caliber, action and color options to consider. Your biggest priority should be the fit and comfort (again, much like your favorite pair of undies!) The best and most knowledgable place to look for a gun is a local gun shop or a customer-service oriented retailer. Feel the gun, hold it, caress it… do what you must… but put that sucker up to your shoulder ad make sure you’ve found the proper fit!!
2) Must have CAMO
Camo-camo-camo! Your entire gorgeous body needs to be covered in camo because these wily birds have serious eye sight! Not only is it important to cover your entire body but you will want to make sure that your gleaming skin of yours is totally covered as well. Make sure to include camo gloves, a head net and a hat. The choices for concealment clothing are unlimited, so just about any pattern that breaks up your outline and somewhat matches your surroundings is adequate. Sitting still and eliminating any large or sudden movements will also add to your success while turkey hunting!
And your best bet for camo, especially for early spring hunts is made by our friends at Prois Hunting. My pick? The Galleann Rain Gear line by Prois. The Galleann collection provides the ultimate in rain and wind protection. As we all know rain showers bring spring flowers so this gear is spot on! The camo is available in both a coat and a pant, totally waterproof and breathable and can slip right over your everyday clothes or other camo and has storm hood that can be adjusted in two ways. The pants have a waterproof zipper along with taped seams and a detachable gator that clips on your shoe string. The best part of this full suit is that it is so quiet and durable plus it folds into its own pockets for easy storage when you don’t need it anymore. The Galleann is available in Realtree APX, Max 1 and Olive. Find it here and feel free to use my 20% off coupon code (Voss) at checkout.
3) DECOYS.. and CALLS – get those birds in!
I myself prefer Dave Smith decoys. Dave Smith offers a full line in five unique, carefully designed and super realistic turkey decoys in different poses. Check them out here.
As for calls there are so so so many on the market… so many varieties it will almost make your head spin… and a spinning head isn’t good after I told you to be quiet and still to turkey hunt. For the beginner turkey hunter, I find any slate or box call works best. I personally love Hanks game calls. I have had many successful hunts using his calls because they sound realistic and are easy to use. You can find the calls here.
Rachel Voss is on the Prois staff and is also the Washington State Chairman of the Mule Deer Foundation.
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I definitely agree on point 2. You need full camo otherwise you can wait forever