Category fishing

And the photo contest winner is…


First, thank you to everyone who sent in your amazing photos. We loved seeing all of your submissions!

Now, getting down to business… who gets their choice of a 1) An original Red Head duck decoy from Bryan Bodt or 2) Patagonia logo hat?

It came down to a last minute submission, but that photo garnered a big response from our readers and social media followers. Congratulations to Jay Gore for sending in the winning photo of 79-year-old Mavis!

Our photo contest winner is Jay Gore for sending us this picture of Mavis at 79 years old on a duck hunt, using a 16 gauge shotgun she purchased in 1949!

Our photo contest winner is Jay Gore for sending us this picture of Mavis at 79 years old on a duck hunt, using a 16 gauge shotgun she purchased in 1949!

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Guest Post

Brenna 1

By Brenna Richardson

Some people would call it crazy. Maybe they’re right.  Getting up at 5 a.m. to fish in freezing temps in January is slightly insane.  I really have no idea how cold it was, but a quick glimpse at the historical temps put it at 3.2 degrees (F).  The website I looked at didn’t include a wind-chill factor, but in the summer, wind gusts rip through South Park, Colorado at an average of 25 plus, mph!  I think its safe to say, it was cold.  Bitter cold. There was a truck that stopped and talked to my boyfriend when we were gearing up, “You are really going to fish in this weather?“ When I stepped around the truck their eyes grew big, “There is a woman out here fishing in these temps!” You betcha!

My eyelashes froze, as did the corners of my eyes...

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Fish dog (2)

We love this photo from Hannah in Montana.

Remember our photo contest?  We are nearing our deadline of August 1st!  Enter now before you lose your chance to win!! We’ll announce the winner next Wednesday, August 6th.

To enter, email your photos to with a brief description and we’ll post them to our Facebook page and/or Instagram page. You can also use the #camoisthenewblack hashtag to get us your pics! 

Prizes Include a Choice of:
1) An original Red Head duck decoy from Bryan Bodt.
2) Patagonia logo hat.

1) Maximum of 2 entries per person
2) Original photos only 
3) Must be relevant to sportswomen
4) Images with the most Facebook or Instagram likes will receive special consideration. 
5) Images must be received by August 1st

May the odds forever be in...

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INFOGRAPHIC: The Big Disconnect


For the first time in human history, more people live in cities than in rural environments. Instead of inhabiting wide open spaces, we spend 90 percent of our time indoors.

The urban migration has important physical, mental and cognitive implications. Check out this infographic on the big disconnect happening between our health and the environment.



Infographic from and the David Suzuki Foundation.

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New GoPro Sports(wo)man Mount


Whether or not you realize it, you’ve likely watched a video captured by a GoPro camera.

The lightweight and durable little cameras have gained popularity because they catch the action in ways your typical home video camera can’t. Outdoor filmmakers have figured out how to attach the GoPro camera to guns or fishing poles to get point-of-view videos – but now GoPro has introduced its own mount specifically for sportsmen and women.

From the website: Mount your GoPro to guns, fishing rods and bows. This versatile mount is compatible with most shotguns1, rifles, revolvers, airsoft, paintball and pellet guns, and fits bow components and fishing rod grips with a diameter of 0.4” to 0.9” (10mm to 23mm)...

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