Category fishing

In the News: Rockfish Trophy Season Is Here



Whether you call them rockfish or striped bass, this time of year on the Chesapeake Bay is when to get your trophies.  These fish are BIG – averaging from 20 to 40 pounds! And it’s only an hour drive for city dwellers of D.C. 

Rockfish trophy season runs from April 19 to May 15th for 2014.  Fish must be above 28 inches to keep and only one fish is per fisher – so good luck!  After May 16th, the rockfish size and limit changes to 18 inches or above and each fisher is able to keep two fish.

We look forward to another great 2014 fishing season on the Chesapeake Bay! Check out Whitney’s honker from last week (40 inches, 30 pounds!)  Now that’s a nice fish!

What to bring

-Tennis shoes (the boat can get slippery and you need to protect your toes!)
-Rain jacket
-Layers (the temperature can c...

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In the news: Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Inaugural Women and Hunting Panel



Just a few weeks ago, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers hosted their annual Rendezvous in Denver, Colorado.  Unlike other years, BHA included a women and hunting panel.  The panel was a big success with good attendance featuring Prois Hunting marketing rep Paige Hill Murphy, Extreme Huntress Amanda Lowrey, Seek Outside owner and founder Angie Timm and Camo is The New Black co-founder Whitney.  Check out this video featuring the panel:

We were proud to be a part of a panel of such high caliber women and encouraged to have a hunting and fishing organization feature women so prominently.  This is only the beginning…

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Why Every Woman (Really, Everyone) Should Go Ice Fishing

Guest Post

By Brooke Vetter 

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Future of camping is bright


“Staycations” are becoming increasingly popular as Americans are cutting back on their budgets. Check out this infographic on where – and what kinds of – camping are the most popular:

Find more great infographics on NerdGraph Infographics

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Three and Out

Guest Post
Jill Beauchesne Alban

Jill Beauchesne Alban

It’s spring in Montana. Two weekends ago, I couldn’t get my car out of the driveway because of a blizzard that dumped close to two feet of snow in Missoula. Then, in a matter of days, warm temperatures melted most of the snow and bumped up local rivers to what the fishing guides call “chocolate milk.” Thankfully, the water started going down only a few days later, coinciding with a spate of days in the upper 50s.

When the weather gets a bit warm, the rivers around here start to beckon me, like they’re whispering my name. It hasn’t always been this way. When I first moved to Montana 10 years ago, I was mystified by the mania of fly-fishing and the way it drove my friends to wake up at 6 AM to hit a morning hatch...

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