Posted in category hunting, releases with

By Richard Grant
Originally published on RichardGrant.US and reposted here with permission from the author.
THORNTON, Miss. — Cadi Thompson saw the deer first, but she wanted to give her friend Amber the chance to kill it. It was a frozen winter dawn on the Thompson family farm and hunting property. The two nursing students were concealed in a box stand, a simple wooden structure with openings to shoot through. The deer was a brown smudge on the tree line 200 yards away.
Cadi, a fresh-faced, confident 25-year-old, has been hunting white-tailed deer since she was 7. She lifted up her rifle and checked the animal through the telescopic sights. “It’s an eight-point,” she said, meaning it was a mature buck with eight tines on his antlers and a good deer to shoot...
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