duck tagged posts

It’s a DEER, it’s an ELK, NOPE….. QUACK-QUACK….SPLATTTT it’s a duck!!

Guest Post


By Rachel Voss

We all gear up for the fall for various reasons. May it be the beautiful fall colors, may it be sitting in a tree stand, or stalking and bugling that BIG massive bull elk. However, there is one feathered friend that many can’t WAIT for Fall/Winter season for… duck!

Wait no longer, wings are locked and set and the birds are ready to land in your decoy spread! We can’t forget our beautiful retrieving pups diving in after that fallen bird!!!!

Unlike sitting in a stand alone..or belly crawling in on a big game stalk…duck hunting is a hunt that is better done and more fun with a friend by your side. Whether it be our furry friends or our favorite child, sister, brother, cousin, Mom, Dad, or spouse (hopefully you only have one of those….spouses that is)!!!

First and, foremost, ...

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Know what you eat



Knowing where my food comes from is a big reason why I hunt and fish.  Call me a locavore if you must but there is something about the field to table experience.  And the calorie count speaks for itself – eating from the wild not only tastes good but is also nutritious and better for you.  Plus hunting and fishing contribute to an active lifestyle. With our nation fighting what seems to be an obesity epidemic, it’s time we become accountable for what we’re eating.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 35% of Americans over 20 are considered obese.  Keep it active, keep it wild and, remember, camo truly is the new black!

*Created by: Wide Open Spaces 

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Resolved to Hunt

CITNB Co-Founder Heather on her first hunt.

CITNB co-founder Heather on her first hunt.

For almost a year, I’ve been working on this blog to encourage women to hunt, fish and otherwise enjoy the outdoors. I fish, target shoot, camp and hike but unlike my co-founder, I had never been hunting (check out my first post for the background).

We’ve been able to share a lot of inspiring stories on this blog. Women who started hunting to spend time with family. Women who started hunting to know where their food is coming from. Women who are passionate about conservation. So on January 2, I went on my first hunt.

My husband, our friend and I won a goose hunt at a TRCP dinner two years ago. We missed the first season because of scheduling conflicts so I was determined to  hunt this season...

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The girl with a pink shotgun and cocleburs in her hair

Guest Post
 Kassondra Hendricks

Kassondra Hendricks

By Kassondra Hendricks

If you would’ve told my nine-year old self that I would be toting around a pink camo shotgun in the future I wouldn’t have believed you. Pink has always been a ghastly color in my mind. And I wasn’t the girl that played with Barbie dolls. I was the girl that tramped barefoot around the horse barn chasing chickens, stalking deer in fields with mud smeared on my face, climbing trees, showing off burns on my legs from riding dirt bikes, smiling with satisfaction at the roughness of my calloused hands. I was the girl who to her mother’s dismay didn’t let anyone brush her hair until the fifth grade. I rocked the coclebur tangles, stained t-shirt, ripped jeans look...

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Thoughts on the outdoors and how it’s become part of my marriage


Dan’s first birds.

Recently, I read Leigh Newman’s essay What a Camping Trip Taught Me About My Marriage (and Myself) in Real Simple and it got me thinking about my own relationship to the outdoors and my husband Dan.

Like Leigh, I come from a family deeply rooted in the outdoors and the sportsman and woman community. So when I traded in my smaller hometown for the big city and stayed my family was a little in shock.  And then when I fell in love with a city boy who loved to mountain bike they were welcoming but a little surprised.  While Dan loved the outdoors and worked at outdoor camps he had never been hunting or exposed to the sportsman community.  My brother joked that Dan had to “kill something” before becoming a part of our family...

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