Hunger Games tagged posts

IN THE NEWS: ‘Hunger Games’ inspires new lady archers

Katniss Everdeen is inspiring young girls to try archery. (Photo from

Katniss Everdeen is inspiring young girls to try archery. (Photo from

A series of news articles (such as here, here and here) report that The Hunger Games movie series, among some other popular shows, have contributed to an uptick of young girls learning archery.

John Shappel teaches at Tri-State Archery in Dubuque in Iowa was quoted in saying:

“Most of the new archers I’ve seen myself are young ladies,” said Shappell, who is on the Dubuque Field Archers board of directors. “Most of the younger girls, say 13 and down, are looking to get into sport. They’ve seen ‘Hunger Games,’ and say, ‘Yeah, I have to go and shoot archery.'”

As it seems we most often hear of negative effects of popular culture, we say this comes as welcome news...

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