Backcountry Hunters and Anglers is asking the sportsmen community to take the sportsman’s pledge and tell their story… We took the pledge and now challenge you! Without our wild places our outdoor opportunities will disappear. THE PLEDGE As a North American hunter and angler, I pledge to speak up on behalf of conservation of the clean water, wildlife habitat, sportsman access, and public lands that belong to all of us. I will defend these values against those individuals, organizations and corporations who would sell or transfer our public lands and erode our habitat, opportunity and freedoms. I welcome new sportsmen and women, young and old, and will lead by example...
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The big news story in the sportsmen world this week? Alabama mother of two Mandy Stokes bagging a thousand plus pound alligator out of the Alabama River. The gator is big enough it may snag the Mandy the World Record and we think this is awesome! Previous World Record gator contenders have been pulled from Texas and Arkansas but this is the first of its size from Alabama. Check out pictures and more about Mandy and her gator here.
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