hunting tagged posts

How to Choose the Best Crossbow for Your Young Hunter


crossbow picCrossbow hunting is one of the most challenging ways to hunt an animal. It takes so much patience to wait for an animal to get close enough for the kill shot. Hunters need to master the skill of tracking and calling the animal they are after if they want to have any chance with a crossbow. You can’t sit in a tree stand in the middle of an open field and hit something 250 yards away like you can with a rifle.

If you are going to teach your teenager how to hunt, crossbow hunting is the way to go. It teaches them everything they would want to know about hunting while having plenty of fun. This is a great way to teach your young one how to be patient and wait for the right time, a quality that is hard to teach.

When looking for the right youth crossbow, you will want to focus on a few differ...

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Happy National Hunting & Fishing Day


Get outside today and show your sportswoman pride! 

Over 100 years ago, hunters and anglers were the earliest and most vocal supporters of conservation. They were the first to recognize that rapid development and unregulated uses of wildlife were threatening the future of many species.

Led by fellow sportsman President Teddy Roosevelt, these early conservationists called for the first laws restricting the commercial slaughter of wildlife. They urged sustainable use of fish and game, created hunting and fishing licenses, and lobbied for taxes on sporting equipment to provide funds for state conservation agencies.

Populations of white-tailed deer, elk, antelope, wild turkey, wood ducks and many other species began to recover from decades of unregulated exploitation.

During the next half-cen...

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Single Mom Hunting

Guest Post

By Carleen Soule

Google “single moms hunting with kids” sometime, and you’ll find tips on job hunting, apartment hunting (not house; just apartment), vulgar hook-up advice, and the laughable “wives become ‘single moms’ during hunting season” snivel, but what is missing from the search results are pages for mothers who happen to be single and also happen to be hunters. I found advice for creating scavenger hunts, treasure hunts, Easter egg hunts (which I will probably never do again after scrolling through several pages of that mindless drivel), and hunting bargains, but nothing on deer hunting, duck hunting, shotgunning, or bowhunting from a single mom’s perspective...

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Rewild yourself and your children

Land and his son Colin on a river in Montana.

Land and his son Colin on a river in Montana.

Kids are back in school and a new hunting season is upon us – maybe some of you are lucky enough to have already been out for dove, teal or geese (we hope so!)  With less time together as a family, fall is a great reminder to unplug.  Recently Outdoor Magazine featured a story on how to “unschool” your children which sparked a lot of debate but isn’t there something to it?  More screen time is keeping kids and you indoors we wonder what you think helps kids thrive.  We have heard from some of our guest posters like Mia and Land that getting their kids outside is paramount and is not only more fun but also strengthens the bond with their kids...

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Laura Francese: Ambassador, Huntress, Lady of Character

Guest Post
Laura Francese

Laura Francese

Thanks so much to Laura Francese for taking the time to answer some questions. I first interviewed Laura about four years ago over on Desert Rat Outdoors, another part of the OutdoorHub family. In a post-interview conversation with Laura, I mentioned what a tremendous ambassador she is for the industry and a great role model too—especially for younger folks like my teenage daughter. After following Laura all these years she remains honest, charitable, approachable, and scandal-free. We need more like her!

The Desert Rat: It’s been 4 years since I first interviewed you! It looks like you have a lot going on. You’re doing some cool things. What’s a day in the life of Laura like?

Laura Francese: I’ve been busy as usual...

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