outdoors tagged posts

INFOGRAPHIC: The Big Disconnect


For the first time in human history, more people live in cities than in rural environments. Instead of inhabiting wide open spaces, we spend 90 percent of our time indoors.

The urban migration has important physical, mental and cognitive implications. Check out this infographic on the big disconnect happening between our health and the environment.



Infographic from CottageCountry.com and the David Suzuki Foundation.

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Summer is the perfect time to take hunter education


1193228_35828531If you’re contemplating starting to hunt, step one is to complete your state-approved hunter education. Summer is a great time to take the course so you’ll be ready for hunting season, which is coming right up!

Many states allow, or even require, you to take a portion of your hunter education online. Other courses include a classroom course and other require a “field day” to demonstrate hands-on safety skills. Check with your local Department of Natural Resources or Fish & Game to find out your state’s requirements – or your local sporting goods store will likely be able to point you in the right direction if you’re not sure who to call.

If you can (or are required) to take an online portion of hunter education, there are a lot of options to choose from. Here are a couple to check out:

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Lady Hunters: Tips for Starting Them Young


Thanks to The Desert Rat for letting us repost these great tips on getting girls hunting early!

Chris and Cidney McCotter with two Arizona javelinas.

Chris and Cidney McCotter with two Arizona javelinas.

It’s not much of a secret that lady hunters are the fastest-growing demographic in the hunting community. Part of that is due to families starting their daughters, nieces, neighbor girls, and granddaughters early, and making it fun for them with no pressure. My daughter is not an avid hunter, but she has hunted and has a javelina under her belt. As a matter of fact, she got her first javelina before I did! My friend Chris McCotter is well-known in Arizona hunting circles for not only his hunting prowess, but his support of wildlife organizations...

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Pink Cowboy Boots

Guest Post

By Stephanie Spika

Growing up in Montana, I’ve been on my fair share of hunting excursions.  After moving across the country, however, years went by without donning the blaze orange I so missed. 

One Friday afternoon I found myself at a work happy hour boasting of my hunting skills.  There may have been some embellishment, but still, I wasn’t a complete novice to the outdoors.  After a few glasses of liquid courage, I challenged my male co-workers to step up to the plate and take me hunting.  Sweet Jeff Johnston volunteered, without knowing what he was getting himself into.

Stephanie and her buck

Stephanie and her buck

He later confessed that when he told me to show up at his house – an hour away – at 5 am the following morning, he put it at less than a 10-percent chance I’d show up...

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New GoPro Sports(wo)man Mount


Whether or not you realize it, you’ve likely watched a video captured by a GoPro camera.

The lightweight and durable little cameras have gained popularity because they catch the action in ways your typical home video camera can’t. Outdoor filmmakers have figured out how to attach the GoPro camera to guns or fishing poles to get point-of-view videos – but now GoPro has introduced its own mount specifically for sportsmen and women.

From the website: Mount your GoPro to guns, fishing rods and bows. This versatile mount is compatible with most shotguns1, rifles, revolvers, airsoft, paintball and pellet guns, and fits bow components and fishing rod grips with a diameter of 0.4” to 0.9” (10mm to 23mm)...

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