sportswomen tagged posts

The Average of 5: Surrounding Ourselves With Greatness

Guest Post

By: Julie McQueen, co-host of Brotherhood Outdoors on Sportsman Channel.

There is a saying I enjoy that goes like this…

“You are the average of the 5 people with whom you spend the most time.”

In a world where so many young people are striving to become relevant and we are overwhelmed with misinformation on the Internet, I’m proud to work in an industry where I can easily surround myself with like-minded peers. Specifically the women and young ladies who have bravely made the conscious decision to work in the hunting and fishing industries.

Many young girls get their start in hunting from their Fathers or Grandfathers, which may just be a core reason why they have high standards and a good grip on life...

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World’s Most Notable Catch and Releases


Most Notable Catch and Releases

Created by Trout Bum 2

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One Little Girl’s BIG Birthday Gift to RMEF


The following is a repost from Elk Tracks – and it’s adorable.

I have been a volunteer with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation for years and am currently co-chair of the Buffalo Chapter in Buffalo, Wyoming. We often pack up and travel around Wyoming to help volunteer at RMEF events and banquets across the state. Whenever possible, which is 90 percent of the time, I bring my daughters (Ahnya nicknamed Ahnie, 8, and Maye, 1) with me. They also tag along to committee meetings. I figure if kids grow up around the RMEF then one day they will step into our shoes as volunteers. Turns out I was right!

Earlier this year I was driving my daughter, Ahnie, to the bus stop. She was jabbering away like most seven year old girls do...

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Just a Hunter

Guest Post

By Rachel Dawson

rachelRecently, there has been an inspiring groundswell of public dialog on women:  our pasts, our modern experiences and our futures.  Like many, I’ve been drawn to this narrative.  Via social media, we are connecting on a global scale unheard of less than two decades ago.  On Twitter, while perusing the burgeoning #YesAllWomen hashtag, I stumbled across a post by a young woman who implored her peers to stop calling her a “female engineer.”  “I’m just an engineer,” she said.  I was struck by the simplicity and poignancy of it.  Indeed, in many male-dominated professions, interests and communities, there is a tendency to label a woman’s participation as atypical, a GIRL-fill-in-the-blank.  This got me thinking about my life as a “sportswoman.”

I was raised to h...

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INFOGRAPHIC: Target Shooting in America


Did you know that more people target shoot than play baseball? The infographic below provides a look at just how economically impactful target shooting is in America.

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