Leslee, her sister Amy Adams and her best friend Eryn Pierdolla with their catch! Love the matching shirts ladies!
By Leslee Oden
Three years ago, my family started a tradition – take a big vacation together! Growing up we didn’t take many big family trips and since moving to D.C. it’s a time each year that I cherish more than ever. This year, we chose Port O’Connor, Texas as our destination; a small fishing town by Matagorda Bay in the Gulf of Mexico. The town itself is quite small, but provides some of the best fishing for salt water fish, trout, red fish, and flounder in the beautiful bays of Texas Middle Coast.
Making the trip this year were my parents (Bubba and Lenora), brother (Cody), sister and brother-in-law (Amy and Glenn), my sweet niece (Kimber), my Uncle Ralph and Ery...
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